In this episode, Kelle Sparta and Katherine Loranger discuss overcoming fear of failure. Key Points: 1. How perfectionism and parental expectations can influence self-worth and hinder growth. 2. Learning from mistakes and embracing failure to remove the need for perfection in creative pursuits. 3. Managing self-judgment and resistance patterns to stay focused on progress instead...
In this episode, Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan discuss hacking the matrix and discovering the cheat codes for life through universal laws. Key Points: 1. Kelle and Joshua explain key laws like the Law of Attraction, inspired action, gratitude, and vibration and how they relate to manifestation. 2. Oneness, balancing masculine and feminine energy, and...
In this episode of Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays, Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan delve into the realms of magic, manifestation, and discovering your authentic self through energy work and intention setting. Key Points: Energy Healing and Boundaries for Empaths (5:55) Importance of positive language in magic and identity shifts. Energetic hygiene in Reiki and the...
In this episode, Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan discuss the intergenerational transmission of narcissistic behavior, media’s influence on our perceptions of the world, and the interplay between narcissism and empathy in personal growth. They explore how trauma and cultural norms shape our beliefs and behaviors, and emphasize the importance of questioning all forms of programming...
In this episode of Spirit Guides, host Kelle Sparta and co-host Joshua Radewan discuss the significance of power animals in spiritual journeys. Kelle and Joshua explore their personal experiences with power animals and how these guides can support transformation. Key Points: Definitions of key shamanic concepts like the lower, middle and upper worlds which provide...
In this episode of Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays, Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan dive deep into the world of magic and manifestation. They explore how different traditions approach these concepts, emphasizing that we are all parts of the divine with the power to create and manifest in our lives. Kelle defines magic as energy work,...
In this episode of Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays, Kelle Sparta and co-host Joshua Radewan delve into the journey of spiritual and personal growth, offering valuable insights on becoming the hero of your own story. They discuss the importance of taking responsibility for your happiness, the stages of spiritual awakening, and the roadmap to personal evolution....
Join Kelle Sparta and co-host Joshua Radewan as they dive into the enchanting dance of personal growth and identity shifts. Explore the transformative journey of navigating the tango of transformation, overcoming limiting beliefs, and setting empowering goals. Discover insights on being present in the journey, shifting ancestral patterns, and cultivating supportive relationships. Key Points Covered:...
Welcome to “Spirit Guides Mystical Mondays!” In this enlightening episode, join Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan as they delve into the profound world of spiritual awakenings. Are you experiencing one, or does it just feel like you’re going crazy? Let’s explore this transformative journey together. 🌈 Highlights: [00:04] Understanding Spiritual Awakening: Kelle and Josh discuss...
Welcome to Spirit Guides Monday! πŸŽ‰ Dive into the enchanting realm of spiritual awakenings. Are they a glimpse into a higher self, or just a myth? πŸ€” Join Kelle Sparta, a revered spiritual guide and shaman, alongside her insightful guest, Joshua Radewan. They’re here to unfold the mysteries of spiritual connection, growth, and awakening with...