Up-level Yourself As A Spiritual Practitioner

This Is The Difference Between Mediocre and Masterful Practitioners

Why Skills Only Take You So Far

You’ve probably got a few certifications under your belt. And you’re always looking to improve.

But this isn’t what creates great spiritual practitioners.

Great practitioners come from understanding what stands in the way of them releasing the fullness of their powers. 

You see, you’re already an AMAZING practitioner.

But it is your inner beliefs, fear of your own power, inner judgments, and yes, sometimes just the screeching monkey mind that keeps you from your inner greatness.

Unleashing Your Potential

There is a path that can unlock your full potential.

These three steps are what it takes to unleash your powers.

  • Doing Your Inner Work
  • Mastering Your Inner Energetics
  • Understanding The Energetic World

These three steps will unleash your inner master practitioner by:

  1. Making you a clear channel for healing energies
  2. Maintaining clear boundaries between you and your client
  3. Being able to read the energetics around your client to know which healing path is most viable
  4. Being able to manage the energetic environment to better support the client’s healing
Step One – Do Your Inner Work

The first step is to do your inner work.  This means stepping out of the Wounded Healer archetype.  If your personal issues are still taking over your entire consciousness when a button gets pushed for you, then this is the place you want to start.

You can’t be an effective practitioner if your clients can push your buttons and distract you from the work you’re doing.

(And yes, they will do that.  Especially if they are in resistance to the healing they so desperately need.)

Welcome To The Woo will give you a solid foundation in energetics.  You’ll learn:

  • How to Manage and Clear Your Energy Field
  • How to Protect Yourself 
  • How to Protect Your Home and Office
  • Basic Divination Skills
  • How to Talk to Your Spirit Guides
  • Intention-Setting

Welcome To The Woo will also begin your inner work by getting you to the place where you feel safe and secure enough to grow.

You’ll learn how to eliminate:

  • Fear
  • Anxiety 
  • Worry
  • Dread
  • Self Doubt
  • Inner and Outer Judgements

And you’ll build a foundation of:

  • Courage 
  • Self Support

These will form the foundation for true self-love.

You’ll feel so much more calm and at peace by the end of this program, you may not even recognize yourself.

Meet Kelle Sparta

Kelle Sparta is a transformational shaman who helps spiritual practitioners and teachers making 6-figure+ incomes doing the work they love.  After almost 50 years of personal study, 25+ years as a coach and healer, and 18 years marketing her services online, Kelle has a broad and unique perspective to share to get spiritual practitioners through their inner blocks to success and beyond.  She is the author of ‘Spiritual Badass – The Overachiever’s Guide to Spiritual Awakening’ and host of the ‘Spirit Sherpa’ podcast. Her podcast is in the top 3% worldwide and has been downloaded over 250K times in 191 countries.

In 1998 (at her first Saturn return) Kelle had her own spiritual awakening where she realized that she had created the “American Dream” and she hated her life.  She sold her house and her business, divorced her husband, and moved out of state to live with shamans doing deep healing work on herself. She gave away everything she owned and set out on a spiritual pilgrimage for a year in her car, living on $350/mo. of unemployment insurance and the kindness of strangers. Kelle’s drive to be of service to others led her to create countless versions of her work over the years and she struggled to find success until she finally took the book she had been writing while about her spiritual journey since that spiritual pilgrimage and turned it into an online program.  Now, Kelle is on a mission to help healers and spiritual practitioners to impact lives while making the income they deserve.

She has now shifted her business from serving the people having their awakenings to serving the spiritual practitioners that will shepherd those people through the process.  She helps them to uplevel their skillsets, expand their perspectives, and explore their energetic connections with themselves, their guides, and the Earth mother.  Kelle shares her methodology, insight, and successful programs to help spiritual practitioners reach their personal, professional, and financial success.

Kelle is a very powerful presence that allows your deepest wounds to emerge and be released. Her shamanic work is AMAZING and truly a precious gift. I know that her work has shifted me in ways that I have experienced with no one else. If you want to experience a BIG SHIFT of your deepest wounds, I strongly recommend that you work with her.
Daniel John Hanneman

CEO, Academy for Invincible Healers

Kelle, You are, among other things, the initiator of women to the Priestess Sisterhood. You vanquish the demons of old and call forth women of magic into their full power.
Brynn Bishop

Tantra Instructor and Practitioner, Conscious Intimacy

Working with Kelle rocks! I had too many a-ha moments to even count. The most amazing gift I received was being reminded about what really matters, the underpinning of my world, which will help me make my passions a priority in my daily life. Kelle is not just a coach, but a powerfully loving and fully present healer that helps you to really transform, making lasting changes in your life.
Lisa Marie Selow

Author, A Rebel Chick Mystic's Guide

Kelle is more than a coach, more than a leader, more than a teacher. She does something that is brilliant beyond explanation… She’s bright, deeply intuitive, intensely capable, and genius…she will peer into your soul, grasp the core of your passion with the utmost grace, and hold you like a mother while you watch with awe as she dusts it off and polishes it into the magnificent masterpiece you always suspected it was but were afraid to believe. Kelle believes you into success. If she is near you and has her arms out, go for the full embrace. You will be forever grateful that you did
Oceana LeBlanc

Goddess Oceana - Tantric Yogini

I’ve never found someone who does shamanism in such a beautiful, profound, and unintimidating fashion.
Tracey Kern

Editor in Chief, Conscious Shift Magazine

Here's How it Works....

Over 4 Months You'll Get:

Group Coaching Calls Twice Each Month

This program will include Zoom video group coaching calls. You can also call in via phone if you need to. If you cannot make a call, you can send an email with your questions to your Coach the day before the call and your Coach will answer them on the call.

All calls are recorded so you can watch them later.

Private Discussion Group

You will be added to a private Facebook group that will include everyone in your program. This is a small group (max 15 people). Everyone will be asked to agree to confidentiality before being allowed to enter the group. Your coach will use this group for dropping in content that is relevant to the conversations had on previous calls.  You can use this group to find your community, establish and cement relationships, and support one another.  Who knows? You might even find your next joint venture partner here.

Group Coaching Calls Are:

We run our program on a rolling enrollment basis – so when you join is the start date of your program.  This means that the groups that are available to join change as people cycle in and out of the groups.  Please contact us to find out what dates/times are available.


Not only will this course improve your spiritual work, it will also make your LIFE better.  This is the express train to happiness and inner peace.

The material in this course represents many years of personal growth and energetic training.  In taking this course, you are saving yourself all of that time, and a TON of money.

Think about it.

How much do you spend each year on personal growth, energy skills training, and more?

$5000?  $10,000?  $15,000?

Don’t forget to add in the retreats, the crystals, the healing sessions, the psychic readings, and everything else you do.

It’s a big number, right?

Now imagine you could skip 5 years’ worth of that expense.

That number is getting huge now.

AND imagine how much more you can charge in your business as your ability to channel energy improves!  

So what are you waiting for?

Your ideal spiritual practitioner self is waiting for you.