Tag: transformation

  • Processing and the Shaman Experience

    Processing and the Shaman Experience

    More Updates on My Process (These From The Past) So many people responded to my post about the processing I’ve been doing that I thought I would share some of my experiences from the past in the hopes that they are as helpful as it seems the last one was to people. Processing at An…

  • The Power Of Ritual Is In The Mind Of The Practitioner, Part 1

    The Power Of Ritual Is In The Mind Of The Practitioner, Part 1

    Ritual Can Seem Primitive And Superstitious “Ritual” – the word sets off myriad reactions within me – mysterious, powerful yet primitive and superstitious. The use of ritual is a cornerstone in most religious and spiritual disciplines – including Magick. Yet, there was a time when I questioned the validity of its use in spiritual growth.…

  • Death And Transformation

    Death And Transformation

    Death Has Many Faces Death has many faces; some known and some yet to be discovered. Before I became better acquainted with Death, I feared it – its permanence; the pain associated with its process; the darkness with which it cloaked the world beyond its portal. My fear was reinforced by early training in the…