Tag: shaman

  • Shaman Ways – How to Redefine Reality

    Shaman Ways – How to Redefine Reality

    I remember about 15 years ago I was teaching a Reiki class outside. At some point my teaching assistant noticed that there was a breeze in the trees that we couldn’t feel. He excused himself and got up, cut the energy field we had created by beaming energy at one another and opened it up. The…

  • Shamanic Healing and Opening To Spirit

    Shamanic Healing and Opening To Spirit

    It’s been an interesting road, this passing from “business coach” to “shaman”.  Not that I haven’t always been a shaman – I have.  But I have been accessing that side of me only occasionally, as needed, with clients who had issues that seemed intractable by other means.  But now, in doing the free energy scans and…

  • 4 Reasons Why You’re Stuck

    4 Reasons Why You’re Stuck

    Why Am I Stuck?!!?!? Have you spent a ton of time working on yourself and things still just aren’t falling into place?  Do you find that there are still one or two niggling issues that seem to be keeping you stuck – holding back the floodtide of juicy goodness into your life? What I’ve Seen…