Tag: shaman
New LIFE In My Life – How I Became a Shaman – Part 2
This is part 2 of my story of how I became a shaman. See part 1 An Extraordinary Life Over the following year, I re-embraced my spiritual side. (My ex-husband was an atheist so there was no spirituality in my world during our marriage even though I had been raised with it from an early…
How I Became A Shaman – A Spiritual Journey – Part 1
How I Became a Shaman When I tell people I’m a shaman, pretty much the first thing that people ask me (after they ask “what’s a shaman”) is “how did you end up being a shaman?” For some, the question is simple curiosity about how one becomes something that many people have never heard of. …
12 Signs You Need A Shaman
Shamans See The Unseen Why work with a shaman? Because they see the unseen. This means that they can see your energy field and identify what is out of balance. Acupuncturists do this too, but on a different level. If you are having success with an acupuncturist, but not as much as you’d like, then…
Processing and the Shaman Experience
More Updates on My Process (These From The Past) So many people responded to my post about the processing I’ve been doing that I thought I would share some of my experiences from the past in the hopes that they are as helpful as it seems the last one was to people. Processing at An…
Why People Don’t Change And How They Can
Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes! I spend a lot of time with people trying to make change in their lives. They each have their own purpose for the change and each change is specific to the person, but I’m there to help facilitate the process and get them unstuck when they bog down. Why People Don’t Change In my…
What If This IS Hell?
Today I awoke with the term “18 Houses” running through my head. In my dreams over the last few days, I’ve been searching houses (not mine) for something. I don’t know what that something is. But I’ve been searching. Today, with this clear thought, I went searching again – but this time on the internet.…
A Day In the Life of an Urban Shaman
People often ask me how I became a shaman. Sometimes, they want to know what it’s like to be a shaman. This day is a good example of what it’s like to live in my world. This sort of stuff happens to me all the time. I went to ProductCamp (an unconference for Product Managers)…
How to Be a Shaman – Negotiating With Spirit
Does Spirit Keep You Up At Night? Does it drag you out of bed at 3:00AM to write down that story that came to you in a dream? Do your guides spend your sleeping hours filling your head with new knowledge so that you wake up more exhausted than when you went to bed? Are…
How To Be A Shaman – Spiritual Growth Requires Thought Alchemy
As we look more closely at how to be a shaman, we want to consider that one of primary aspects of shamanism is the ability to see the world from many different angles. To do this, we need to learn how to think differently. This is the definition of Thought Alchemy is changing the way…