Tag: personal growth

  • Step 2 To Becoming a Shaman and Healing Your Life

    Step 2 To Becoming a Shaman and Healing Your Life

    Yesterday, we talked about how you find emotional safety and where the need for that comes from. You’re probably noticing that these first steps look an awful lot like doing your own work. And this is true. One of the biggest archetypes in the spiritual world is that of the wounded healer – the person…

  • Identity and Beliefs – You Aren’t Who You Think You Are

    Identity and Beliefs – You Aren’t Who You Think You Are

    Identity Is Fluid We all think we know who we are.  We know what choices we would make in different situations.  We know where we live, what we look like, who we love, etc.  But in reality, most of the things about us are the result of our past history.  They are stories and coping…

  • 4 Stages of Personal Growth – Which Are You In?

    4 Stages of Personal Growth – Which Are You In?

    Let’s Look at Where You Are Now Before you could enter the process of personal growth, you had to come into consciousness enough to notice and admit to yourself that you weren’t happy with your current life.  Your goal was to get away from the pain you were experiencing and find a way to be happy.  So…

  • Engage The Warrior Within

    Engage The Warrior Within

    What Do You Do With YOUR Inner Warrior? There is a warrior within each of us. The question is whether we will engage this warrior in the physical plane or the spiritual one. If we do battle in the physical plane, we will face many foes, take many hits, and the battle will rage on…

  • Getting Passionate About My Mission – By Kelle Sparta

    Getting Passionate About My Mission – By Kelle Sparta

    It’s been just over two months since launching the Spiritual Leader University far too soon than was reasonable for business purposes.  But it was exactly on spirit’s time to coincide with the triple conjunction of something I can’t remember now, but which an astrologer friend of mine said was happening on the same day that…

  • A Newcomer’s Perspective on Magick

    A Newcomer’s Perspective on Magick

    Kathy Scheiern, looks back at an article she wrote after her very first year studying magick many years ago.  Those of you who are experiencing this might find it comforting and it ‘s a good reminder for those of us teaching newcomers.  Enjoy! As A Newcomer, Life Balance Can Be A Challenge My first year…

  • 4 Reasons Why You’re Stuck

    4 Reasons Why You’re Stuck

    Why Am I Stuck?!!?!? Have you spent a ton of time working on yourself and things still just aren’t falling into place?  Do you find that there are still one or two niggling issues that seem to be keeping you stuck – holding back the floodtide of juicy goodness into your life? What I’ve Seen…

  • Evolution Manifesto

    Evolution Manifesto It’s 4:30am and I cannot sleep.  I have this energy running through my body that has driven me out of bed with this need to write.  I need to tell you something.  “Good enough” isn’t.  Ever.  You’re better than that.  And you know it.  You know that merely going through the motions of…

  • Facebook as a Divination Tool – Personal Growth Thought of the Day

    Facebook as a Divination Tool – Personal Growth Thought of the Day

    Today, I did divination by Facebook. What do I mean by that? I mean that I looked down the list of my friends and figured out what was wrong with my attitude today. How does this work? Well, I’ll need to give you a little background. You have to first accept these assumptions.