Tag: passion

  • Becoming A Devotee To The Divine Within

    Becoming A Devotee To The Divine Within

    Doing The Work of Transformation One of the interesting bits about running a transformational event the way that Kathy and I run them, is that you can’t show up at the event without having done the work yourself – the universe won’t allow it.  And so here we are, two weeks out from our maiden…

  • Getting Passionate About My Mission – By Kelle Sparta

    Getting Passionate About My Mission – By Kelle Sparta

    It’s been just over two months since launching the Spiritual Leader University far too soon than was reasonable for business purposes.  But it was exactly on spirit’s time to coincide with the triple conjunction of something I can’t remember now, but which an astrologer friend of mine said was happening on the same day that…

  • Evolution Manifesto

    Evolution Manifesto It’s 4:30am and I cannot sleep.  I have this energy running through my body that has driven me out of bed with this need to write.  I need to tell you something.  “Good enough” isn’t.  Ever.  You’re better than that.  And you know it.  You know that merely going through the motions of…