Tag: letting go

  • Shedding The Past to Make Way For The Future

    Shedding The Past to Make Way For The Future

    Changes This week a housemate I have lived with for 6 years moved out.  When he moved in, we were dating. We broke up about half-way through our time together and have lived with each other, sometimes easily, sometimes not, for the remainder of the time.  It was time for us to part ways.  I’m…

  • The Four Stages of Spiritual Growth

    The Four Stages of Spiritual Growth

    The Four Stages of Spiritual Growth I have recently been talking with people about the path of spiritual growth. You see there are four distinct stages that I have identified so far. Changing your habits or actions Changing your beliefs or eliminating your stories Shifting your identity or your fundamental belief in who you are…

  • Letting Go

    Letting Go

    In the past, I’ve focused on surrender – the act of allowing whatever is going to happen to happen. Relaxing into the moment and accepting what comes. Now, I want to talk to you about letting go. They may sound like similar things, but in action they are very different. When we let go, we…