Tag: energy

  • The Astral Plane And Other Dimensions

    The Astral Plane And Other Dimensions

      In this episode, Kelle talks about the astral plane including how it is made up, some interesting ways to explore and navigate it, as well as how it is similar (and different) to other dimensions. References: –For more information about Kelle Sparta or Kelle Sparta Enterprises: —https://spiritualcoachcertification.us/learn-more-about-kelle/   –Driveabout (Full Version) https://youtu.be/biD21gy6qZk –Written by: Kelle…

  • 5 Biggest Law Of Attraction Mistakes And The Secret To Fixing Them

    5 Biggest Law Of Attraction Mistakes And The Secret To Fixing Them

    Aligning With Success Continuing our conversation about turning dreams into reality, today we’re going to look at the Law of Attraction. If you’re like most people, you use the Law of Attraction to bring a specific outcome, opportunity, or item to you. You set your intention, send the energy out, and then wait for it to…

  • Shamanic Healing and Opening To Spirit

    Shamanic Healing and Opening To Spirit

    It’s been an interesting road, this passing from “business coach” to “shaman”.  Not that I haven’t always been a shaman – I have.  But I have been accessing that side of me only occasionally, as needed, with clients who had issues that seemed intractable by other means.  But now, in doing the free energy scans and…

  • Opening to Change

    I feel like I’ve been stuck for over a year.  It’s not true really.  I’ve been grieving and recovering from what I now affectionately term “the year from hell”.  I’m an incredibly strong person – I have managed a lot of change and challenges in my life, but 2010 really did break me.  I had…