Tag: change

  • Shedding The Past to Make Way For The Future

    Shedding The Past to Make Way For The Future

    Changes This week a housemate I have lived with for 6 years moved out.  When he moved in, we were dating. We broke up about half-way through our time together and have lived with each other, sometimes easily, sometimes not, for the remainder of the time.  It was time for us to part ways.  I’m…

  • Why People Don’t Change And How They Can

    Why People Don’t Change And How They Can

    Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes! I spend a lot of time with people trying to make change in their lives.  They each have their own purpose for the change and each change is specific to the person, but I’m there to help facilitate the process and get them unstuck when they bog down. Why People Don’t Change In my…

  • I Wished To Be On My Spiritual Path And Then…

    I drank from the grail. It was 3AM and I was in a circle of 30 people all adding their energy to the grail ceremony; each making their wish and drinking.  My friend Ken had gone first and then passed the grail to me.  Without telling each other in advance, we had each wished for the…

  • A Newcomer’s Perspective on Magick

    A Newcomer’s Perspective on Magick

    Kathy Scheiern, looks back at an article she wrote after her very first year studying magick many years ago.  Those of you who are experiencing this might find it comforting and it ‘s a good reminder for those of us teaching newcomers.  Enjoy! As A Newcomer, Life Balance Can Be A Challenge My first year…

  • Change Is A Process – The Journey Ends With Mastery

    Change Is A Process – The Journey Ends With Mastery

    Achieving Transcendence The secret to achieving the fourth and final stage of change is to have an experience of transcendence. I know, I know. WTF does that mean? Don’t worry. I will explain. Defining Transcendence When I use the word “transcendence”, I mean surpassing self-imposed limits and reaching beyond the usual range of perception. Where…

  • Change Is A Process – You Have Arrived At Conscious Knowing

    Change Is A Process – You Have Arrived At Conscious Knowing

    Stages And Phases Of Change So far, I have covered both the first and second stages and phases of change. Today I am talking about the third stage and phase of effective change processes. Stage 3 is Conscious Knowing. At this stage, you now know what you need to do. You are no longer unconscious,…

  • Change Is a Process – Raising Your Awareness

    Change Is a Process – Raising Your Awareness

    Where Is YOUR Awareness? In my last post, I talked about the first stage and phase of making change happen in your life. Today’s post is about the second stage and phase. Stage 2 is Conscious Unknowing. Where you know that you don’t know. Most people don’t stay at this stage very long. It’s a…

  • Change Is A Process

    Change Is A Process

    Stages and Phases of Change When I was researching how change happens for my PhD, I discovered it has four stages and three phases (the space between the stages). Kind of like steps in a staircase. The stages are the stair treads and the phases are the stair risers. And the result of traveling through…

  • 4 Reasons Why You’re Stuck

    4 Reasons Why You’re Stuck

    Why Am I Stuck?!!?!? Have you spent a ton of time working on yourself and things still just aren’t falling into place?  Do you find that there are still one or two niggling issues that seem to be keeping you stuck – holding back the floodtide of juicy goodness into your life? What I’ve Seen…

  • Evolution Manifesto

    Evolution Manifesto It’s 4:30am and I cannot sleep.  I have this energy running through my body that has driven me out of bed with this need to write.  I need to tell you something.  “Good enough” isn’t.  Ever.  You’re better than that.  And you know it.  You know that merely going through the motions of…