Spiritual Leader University Instructor Profile – Kathy Scheiern, Co-Founder

Kathy ScheiernWho Is This Kathy Person Anyway?!!?


I have spent a lot of my life being very busy and very frustrated. I knew I was supposed to be doing something big – and spiritual – but I couldn’t seem to find the right path. I tried a lot of things – some very successful, some not so much, but none of them ever felt really RIGHT.

Looking back, I realize that all my searching, all my efforts were preparing me for helping Spiritual Leaders come into their own and succeed in a big way in the world.

The following are some of my accomplishments that taken together make my role in the Spiritual Leader University such an amazingly right fit.

Education (partial list of me learning from others)

  • PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies (effectively a degree in transformational ritual design) that combined transformational psychology, group dynamics, and ritual theater to reveal how people can create effective transformation in their lives
  • Experts Academy and World’s Greatest Speaker trainings with Brendon Burchard
  • On Leadership seminar from The Levinson Institute
  • Shaman training with Kenn Day (shamanic body and dream body work)
  • Fully trained mentor and initiator in the Sheya System of Personal Transformation
  • Four years training in Systemic Constellation Work with certifications in Family and Organizational Constellations and extensive training in Structural Constellations
  • Guerrilla Business School, World’s Greatest Marketing Seminar, Train the Trainer 1 & 2, Life Directions, and the Millionaire Mind Intensive with Peak Potentials
  • 18 month Heart Intelligence Coaching Certification training with Christian Pankhurst
  • Heart Circles training with Tej Steiner
  • Six month True Purpose training with Tim Kelley
  • Two year training and certification in Cultural Transformation Tools with Barrett Values Center
  • Body Wisdom Wealth & Purpose Experience with Dr Kirk Prine and Donny Lobree
  • Miracle of Money, Breaking Free Live, Recession Rescue, and Experience the Reality of Success trainings with David Neagle
  • 10 day spiritual boot camp (kicked my butt!) with Gita Bellin and McKinsey Australia
  • Ho’oponopono video training with Joe Vitale and Dr. Haleakala Hew Len
  • International Conferences on Spirituality in Business and Business & Consciousness
  • Spiritual Marketing Quest program with Suzanne Falter-Barnes and Jeffrey Van Dyk
  • Six month training with Kyle Cease in authentic, transformational self-expression
  • Improvisational theater training at Second City, Chicago
  • Improv and Leadership Skills training with Izzy Gesell
  • LA Mastery acting class for speakers and presenters with Larry Gilman and Dan Fauci
  • Improv and Life Games training with Keith Johnstone (a founding father of Improv Theater)
  • Self-Organizing Systems training with Margaret Wheatley and Fritjof Capra
  • One year business coaching program with Loral Langemeier
  • Two year business coaching program with Suzanne Evans
  • One year personal growth coaching with Jack Canfield Coaching
  • Masters’ of Science in Accountancy with an emphasis in international business
  • B.A., double major in Math and Spanish
  • Training and experience in leadership skills, entrepreneurship, human resources management, best practices for effective business, sales and marketing, and accounting and financial services for business owners

Trainings and Presentations (partial list of others learning from me)

  • Constellation workshops throughout the United States, Europe, and Latin America
  • Understanding and Creating Transformational Ceremonies and Rituals workshops in the United States and Europe
  • Real Money, Living a Prosperous Life weekend transformational intensive
  • Four Weeks to Change Your Life teleseminar
  • Presentations of my doctoral research on transformational rituals at
    • 2005 and 2011 U.S. Systemic Constellation conferences
    • 2005 International Congress of System Constellations in Germany
    • 2005 International Association of Facilitators conference
    • 2005 Society for Applied Anthropology conference
    • 2006 Business as an Agent of World Benefit conference
    • 2006 Academy of Management annual meeting
  • Presentations on how to change your life at
  • Published in both 2012 and 2013 Gratitude Book Project, “Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude”
  • Conducted workshops in leadership skills, human resource management, and stress management throughout the United States

Business Experience and Accomplishments (again, a partial list)

  • Over 8 years as Domestic Controller of the United States for Chiquita Brands (120 employees, $2 billion under management)
  • Six and a half years as co-owner, CFO, Associate Editor, and writer/contributor for Mezlim, an alternative spiritual magazine for advanced practitioners
  • Over 7 years as co-owner and CFO of The Spa Relaxation Center, a medical massage therapy practice
  • Over six years as an international financial consultant to multiple Fortune 500 companies
  • Certified Public Accountant
  • Chartered Global Management Accountant
  • Founder, PurposeWorks LLC, a coaching and consulting company helping small business owners break through the barriers keeping them stuck, getting them back on track to achieving their hopes and dreams
  • Three years as a Nonfiction Contract Book Editor for Berrett-Koehler Publishing
  • Two years diet coaching and food preparation training for people with food sensitivities

Spiritual Experience and Accomplishments (another partial list)

  • Practicing Shaman and Oracle
  • 18 years of co-creating, co-facilitating, and enacting transformational rituals at LumensGate, a 5-day transformational intensive with channeled themes each year including:
    • Reuniting the Virgin and the Whore – Healing the Divine Feminine
    • Weaving the Web We Live
    • Sovereignty: Living Your Responsibility
    • Enjoying the Ride
    • Dreaming Our Roots
    • Every Step is Sacred
    • Fire in the Heart
    • Deepening Oneness – Facilitating the Union of Heaven & Earth
    • Embracing the Cycle of Abundance
  • Transformational intensives in Cornwall, England including rituals at Stonehenge, other sacred stone circles, holy wells, and the Boleigh Fogou
  • Co-planner, co-facilitator and ritualist for Spiral, a week long transformational intensive held annually during the 1990’s in northeastern Georgia
  • Licensed Minister in both Temple Enochi and the Universal Life Church, creating and performing meaningful personal ceremonies for important life transitions

Other Fun Information (just in case you are still reading all this!)

  • Studied sacred drumming with Abbi Spinner and Babatunde Olatunji
  • Music, lyrics and musical, drum and vocal performances on Voice of the Sheya album
  • Musical, drum and vocal performances on Earth Is My Temple album

After All That, Now What?

Co-founder, along with the amazing Kelle Sparta, of the Spiritual Leader University which offers an extensive program to support Spiritual Leaders in their own personal evolution and the successful manifestation of their mission in the world. Everything I have done in my life, even when I could not see it, was preparing me for this.

I am finally clear on why I am here and what I am here to do – and I am doing it. I am a shaman and an oracle – adept at finding the right question or the right answer to help frustrated, heart-centered individuals break through their entanglements and get back on track to achieving their hopes and dreams. With my extensive right and left brain skills (check out those lists!), I help Spiritual Leaders find whole brain solutions to the problems they face. Together we will transform the world… purposefully, powerfully, and profitably! 🙂

If you are a Spiritual Leader who is being called to serve in a bigger way, but are frustrated and uncertain about how to make that happen – sign up for our introductory course Manifest Your Mission, and let’s make transformation happen!


I was delighted with the clarity that Kathy Scheiern brought to my problem. She asked sound questions that led me to a precise understanding of the core issue. She made suggestions that encouraged me to think outside the box. And she wasn’t afraid to stay with the confusion until I was satisfied with the results. The problem that had been haunting me for months was dramatically resolved within an hour. I recommend her without reservation.
Catherine Rennert, Partner, Healing Heart and Soul

In all the years and thousands of dollars I have spent on personal growth, counseling, groups, etc., I do not feel that I gained as much as I did with you in one hour last week. We had a direction that we wanted to go based on previous conversation, but as we talked, you adapted quickly and intuitively to go in a direction that was suited to what I needed at that time. I can’t begin to thank you enough. It was the most valuable hour I’ve spent in my life!  Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Alan Hart, Founder and CEO, Round Tuit Home Maintenance

A little over a year ago, I was introduced to Kathy Scheiern and (Purpose Works) by a friend who knew that I was in search of, for lack of a better term, a “Muse”. Having spent most of my professional life in the traditional W-2 world, I was transitioning into the 1099 world and needed help. Kathy was instrumental in helping me truly identify my core competencies and apply them more proactively in the marketplace. She also helped me navigate through the emotional peaks and valleys associated with not only properly structuring a new organization but presenting it in a manner that could contribute towards establishing financial viability. Most of all, I think Kathy afforded me the opportunity to fine tune who I am both personally and professionally. Her instincts, sensitivity, and quick read in understanding the issues at hand are remarkable. I highly recommend to those who are going through change, whether or not it’s of their own volition, to consider what Kathy has to offer.
Thomas P. Cote, Senior Retirement Consultant, Retirement Revolution

Kathy Scheiern is a highly intelligent, strategically intuitive, and thoughtfully competent professional who brings a wealth of experience to her work, benefitting her clients in every aspect. She successfully works with her clients to identify and solve the problems that are preventing them from achieving their desired results. Kathy uses her many skills and unique perspective to efficiently and effectively provide solutions for situations that have defied traditional problem solving approaches and has done exceptional work for the Board of Directors of the Professional Property Management Association of San Francisco (PPMA) in assisting us with our values survey and strategic planning process. I recommend her without hesitation to any business leader seeking assistance in addressing the many challenges of today’s business environment.
Michelle Horneff-Cohen, Broker, CCRM, MPM(R) RMP(R), Property Manager and Founder, Property Management Systems

I called Kathy Scheiern when I was having a problem with an employee that was basically taking down my business. Kathy was able to very quickly assess what was going on, help me define my goals for solving the problem, imagine what I wanted the outcome to be, and implement a strategy for getting there that was clear, quick, and well thought out. I was extremely impressed by Kathy’s vast experience dealing with many different types of people, and really knowing how to handle each type of person and situation, and her “let’s get down to business and get your business functioning better” attitude.
The outcome couldn’t have been better, and the changes Kathy helped me implement have propelled my business to the next level. Additionally, the advice Kathy gave me for this specific situation has proved effective in many other situations. If you have anything that you want to change in your business, or take your business to the next level, Kathy is one of the best people I have worked with to do just that. She is smart, experienced in a wide variety of issues, and really has a knack for getting to the heart of the matter and providing a solution with grace and excellence. I highly recommend working with Kathy.
Hallie Warshaw, Publisher and Creative Director, Zest Books

Kathy Scheiern’s facilitation of systemic constellation work is filled with compassion. Her competence and caring are what make her one of the best. For any who seek out this type of work, I highly recommend her.
Jeren Hope, Operations Analyst
, Washington, DC

Kathy Scheiern has been working with me on my personal growth for over 12 years. Her capacity to thoughtfully listen from a witnessing stance has allowed me the safety to explore parts of myself that would otherwise be left untapped. Her experience brings her the wisdom to pin point issues and offer solutions that are truly life-altering. Her integrity and non-judgmental attitude creates an atmosphere that is conducive to quick, intensive progress. I will continue to utilize her services as my life continues to change.
Sandy Batts, Artist and Entrepreneur

At a time of transition and uncertainty, working with Kathy Scheiern was a breath of fresh air. She helped me clarify my direction and bring focus to my efforts.
Dave Lima, Entrepreneur

I have been doing some sort of self transformational, healing work for almost 15 years but, the work that I have done with Kathy Scheiern both in Systemic Constellation Work and in private one on one coaching sessions has been powerful and deeply transformative. My life has changed in leaps and bounds, how I look at my family, myself and my relationship with money is much more at peace.
Holly Dunn, Entrepreneur

I am thinking of you at the end of this year, thanking and appreciating the difference you have made in my life during only a brief breakfast encounter at the Arizona Conference the previous year. I am starting to reconnect to traditional rituals of my tribe, re-adapting them to suit my lifestyle and starting to love my life more, bit by bit. It is indeed a process. I have made tremendous professional strives in the past year and know, as the new year approaches fast, that it will include more self-care, self-love and self-allowance.
With deep respect and appreciation, Esther Schvan

Dancing in delight,

Kathy Scheiern
740A 14th St., #439
San Francisco, CA 94114