New LIFE In My Life – How I Became a Shaman – Part 2

This is part 2 of my story of how I became a shaman.  See part 1

An Extraordinary Life

Over the following year, I re-embraced my spiritual side. (My ex-husband was an atheist so there was no spirituality in my world during our marriage even though I had been raised with it from an early age.)  I got my Reiki certification from a woman who had studied with the Incan shamans in Peru – my first introduction to shamanism.  I took a shiatsu class, I attended a spiritualist church where they have mediumship messages from the pulpit during the service, and I started doing energy readings on houses for my real estate clients.  I even began channeling for the first time in my life (totally by accident).  My clients were suddenly all people who believed in the unseen world and my world began to open.


After moving out from the home I had shared with my husband, I began each day full of happiness and gratitude.  I was so in love with the life I was creating, that I would regularly say “I love my life!” to anyone who would listen.  The fact that I didn’t have to justify every purchase I made, I didn’t have to get approval on every decorating decision I wanted to make, I didn’t have to face coming home to an unhappy man who seemed intent on staying that way, was more than enough to make me break into a huge grin anytime I realized that I had left that life behind.


And with the joy over my new-found life, came the magick that I had always known in my youth.  The right people showed up, the spirits began talking to me, I bought a new home with a resident ghost, etc.  I had experiences where I received messages and where I was the message that someone else received.


I even got a chance to prove to myself that I was psychic.  But more about that in the next post.