Category: Empowerment

  • Letting Go

    Letting Go

    In the past, I’ve focused on surrender – the act of allowing whatever is going to happen to happen. Relaxing into the moment and accepting what comes. Now, I want to talk to you about letting go. They may sound like similar things, but in action they are very different. When we let go, we…

  • Opening to Change

    I feel like I’ve been stuck for over a year.  It’s not true really.  I’ve been grieving and recovering from what I now affectionately term “the year from hell”.  I’m an incredibly strong person – I have managed a lot of change and challenges in my life, but 2010 really did break me.  I had…

  • Cultivate Inner Flexibility

    If you want to know how you can improve your experience of the world, it’s a very simple, two-part process.  I won’t say that it’s an easy process, because it isn’t.  But it is a practice that, once engaged can help you to improve your sense of well-being and confidence in the world. Step One…

  • In Search of the Goddess/AntiChrist?

    In Search of the Goddess/AntiChrist?

    OK, now follow with me here. It is well-known that when a new religion takes over, it vilifies and makes evil the old religion. This is done as a way of converting people to the new belief and getting rid of the old. In Christianity, women are very often shown as being the bringers of…