Category: Empowerment

  • Death And Transformation

    Death And Transformation

    Death Has Many Faces Death has many faces; some known and some yet to be discovered. Before I became better acquainted with Death, I feared it – its permanence; the pain associated with its process; the darkness with which it cloaked the world beyond its portal. My fear was reinforced by early training in the…

  • Separating the Darkness Within From The Darkness Archetype

    Separating the Darkness Within From The Darkness Archetype

    So it seems that there was some confusion about the last post about darkness – that after spending Tuesday talking about how darkness wasn’t evil, that I then unintentionally associated them again for you yesterday.  And this isn’t the impression I meant to send.  Since this question didn’t come from a beginner, I thought that…

  • Embracing the Darkness – Don’t Trade Buy Into The “God” Trade

    Embracing the Darkness – Don’t Trade Buy Into The “God” Trade

    WARNING – This Blog Post Is NOT For Beginners If you are a beginner, I highly recommend that you do not read this post.  Many of the concepts are higher level concepts that may not land properly if you don’t have the foundation of understanding required.  But, as ever, you are a sovereign being and…

  • Identity Crisis:  Creating a New Self Definition

    Identity Crisis: Creating a New Self Definition

    Ever Look In The Mirror And Wonder “Who Are You?” Ever since I returned from my journey to Isla Mujeres in April, I’ve been doing a lot of this questioning – looking in the mirror and seeing new faces of self emerge into my vision.  And, from talking to my clients and my friends, I’m…

  • Stop Waiting For Your Dreams To Come True!

    Stop Waiting For Your Dreams To Come True!

    For the next week, we’re going to talk about achieving your dreams.  You’ll get an email each day from me about a different aspect of making your dream a reality.  Today’s topic: “I’ve Always Wanted To…” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked to people who say “Oh, I’ve always wanted to…”, but…

  • Developing Personal Power – Setting Great Boundaries – Saying No

    Developing Personal Power – Setting Great Boundaries – Saying No

    Boundaries Are… Well… Tricky One of the issues that I address with my clients both privately and in my group coaching program is the issue of boundaries.  How to set them, how to enforce them, and how to not be a bitch while doing it.  Many of my clients are amazing at taking care of…

  • Fear


    A woman who could not get past her fears, prayed to the spirits to help her.  “Oh spirits, why am I stuck, unable to move, despite my wishes to make great leaps forward?”  In answer, the spirits passed their hands across the fabric of her vision.  And where their hands passed, threads appeared – more…

  • 4 Reasons Why You’re Stuck

    4 Reasons Why You’re Stuck

    Why Am I Stuck?!!?!? Have you spent a ton of time working on yourself and things still just aren’t falling into place?  Do you find that there are still one or two niggling issues that seem to be keeping you stuck – holding back the floodtide of juicy goodness into your life? What I’ve Seen…

  • Spinning Out of Control

    Spinning Out of Control

    Have you ever felt like you’re spinning out of control? It can feel like things are going too fast, or that there is this constant state of panic just under the surface, or that anxiety is your most prevalent emotion.  It can also feel like massive overwhelm and shut down.  All of these point to…

  • Resist or Surrender?

    Resist or Surrender?

    The world has sped up and it’s running too fast. Sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe for the winds of change blowing in my face. Some days I find I am breathless and oxygen deprived and living with the undertone of panic quietly nipping at my heels. And there is no reason for this,…