Month: March 2019

  • Energetic Don'ts

    Energetic Don'ts

    In this episode, Kelle gives us some examples of this we should…and more importantly, SHOULDN’T do when it comes to our energy work. Kelle shares some interesting and amusing stories of where things can, and have, gone wrong and the messages that we can learn from them. References: –For more information about Kelle Sparta or…

  • Astral Projection

    Astral Projection

    In this episode, Kelle teaches us about astral projection. While in previous episodes Kelle has said that we should never do this because of the dangers involved, she goes more in depth about astral projection in order to inform those who might attempt to do so anyway. When a person astral projects, their soul has…

  • Remote Viewing

    Remote Viewing

    In this episode, Kelle teaches us about Remote Viewing…or the ability to bi-locate your consciousness to allow you to “see” a place outside of your normal view. Kelle talks about what remote viewing is, how it works, and some ways to get started doing. Like many other psychic abilities with low danger levels, she encourages…

  • Spirit Communication, Channeling, and Possession

    Spirit Communication, Channeling, and Possession

    In this episode, Carin Baskin joins Kelle as they discuss spirit communication, channeling, and possession. Spirit communication is a conversation between you and spirit, whereas during channeling spirit enters your body. Channeling can be either unconscious or semi-conscious. During unconscious channeling your consciousness takes a “nap” while spirit uses your body to deliver messages whereas…

  • Psychic Self-Defense

    Psychic Self-Defense

    In this episode, Carin Baskin from joins Kelle again as they discuss psychic self-defense. Kelle explains that, as we engage in more energy workings, we begin to appear more “bright and shiny” on the astral plane, thereby attracting more things that may want to feed on our energy. Kelle and Carin also discuss the…