Month: February 2019

  • How to Clear Your House

    How to Clear Your House

    In this episode, Kelle welcomes back Carin Baskin from to discuss clearing your space. Carin and Kelle give the listeners some things to look for to tell when it’s time to have your space cleaned and some simple ways to get started. Listeners are delighted by some personal stories from Kelle and Carin about…

  • Magickal Paths – Conjure

    Magickal Paths – Conjure

    In this episode, Kelle invites Carin Baskin, a Conjure practitioner, to join her to talk to us about what Conjure is, where it came from, and how she found herself walking this path. Carin and Kelle also give us some ways that we can get more information about Conjure, as well as some of the…

  • The Akashic Records – What Are They And How To Access Them

    The Akashic Records – What Are They And How To Access Them

    In this episode, Kelle talks about the akashic records. The akashic records are all of the pieces of information that exist in the eternal moment of now, or in the zero point field. Everything that happens, all pieces of information, and all events exist simultaneously in the eternal moment of now and if you can…

  • Magickal Paths – Shamanism

    Magickal Paths – Shamanism

    In this episode, Kelle introduces a recurring episode theme that she plans to incorporate into the show – Magickal Paths. Every couple of episodes, Kelle with highlight a new magickal path getting deeper into what it is (and sometimes, what it isn’t), some of the benefits and cautions about that path, and how people can…