Month: January 2019

  • Angels, Demons and Christianity in Magick

    Angels, Demons and Christianity in Magick

    In this episode, Kelle discusses angels and demons and their roles on the spiritual plane as well as the similarities and differences between them. Kelle also takes an opportunity to answer questions from some listeners including addressing some concerns that many have regarding the mixing of some religious beliefs into their magickal and spiritual practices.…

  • Chants and Trance – Music in Ritual

    Chants and Trance – Music in Ritual

    In this episode, Kelle discusses Chants and Trance. Chants are simple songs designed to call in certain energies. When chants are used in a group, it aligns the energy of the group participants. A trance is stepping out of your normal conscious state when moving to music; it’s a loss of awareness of your surroundings…

  • Ego – Friend or Foe

    Ego – Friend or Foe

    In this episode, Kelle defines the ego. The ego is the part of ourselves that is based on all of our experience, good and bad, that becomes our personality. It also becomes the part of ourselves that holds our belief systems and limits. The idea behind spiritual work is to reframe the ego such that…

  • The Wee Folk – Fairies

    The Wee Folk – Fairies

    In this episode, Kelle gives a brief overview of faeries. The faerie world consists of many different types of beings: brownies, pixies, borrowers, ceely, unceely, trolls, gnomes, and elementals (i.e., wind, water, earth, and fire) to name a few. The fae are more strongly connected to Mother Earth than any other type of being. Kelle…