Processing and the Shaman Experience

More Updates on My Process (These From The Past)

So many people responded to my post about the processing I’ve been doing that I thought I would share some of my experiences from the past in the hopes that they are as helpful as it seems the last one was to people.

Processing at An Event

Here is the description of my experience of the a LumensGate Shamanic Intensive that I attended in Ohio in 2006.  These are the events that Kathy used to run and are similar to the events that Kathy and I run now.

Everything Is Relevant

Since the space is open during the entire event, it means that everything that happens at the event is relevant. I often find that I learn as much if not more from the interactions in between ritual cycles as I do from the rituals themselves. And that year was no different.

Blessings StoneLearning About My Reactions To Loving Intent

We were asked to bring a piece of wood for the heartfire. I brought a couple of extra pieces for people who either arrived by plane or who forgot. I offered one of these up to a newcomer to the event. Around the fire, we were asked to share what we hoped to get from the event and I shared that I was opening to giving and receiving more love in my life. After the fire, the woman I had given the wood to asked if she could talk to me about what I shared. I immediately went into a defensive mode and shielded expecting her to tell me I had phrased it wrong or some such thing, but I said I was open to hearing what she had to say. She proceeded to tell me that if I wanted more love in my life I was well on my way to getting it since I had been so loving in offering her wood for the fire. As I breathed out the tension of expecting to be made wrong, I breathed in her gift of love to me. And I also breathed in the learning that I had a tendency to put my shields up when someone was offering me love.


“There’s Only So Much Help”

Later in the workshop, we were walking in the woods and I had brought my camp chair with me. One of the other attendees offered to carry the chair for me. I did a quick internal check – did I need help? I responded “no, thanks, I’m OK”. Then I stopped dead in my tracks, realizing I had turned down his offer of help because my internal dialog had said that there is only so much help to go around and that I needed to be careful to only take advantage of the help when I really needed it so that it would be there later if I needed it more. I told him what my thoughts had been and said “yes, I’d be happy if you would carry my chair, thanks!” Internally I told myself that there was always enough help to go around.

Woman Looking at ReflectionConfronting My Inner Shadows

For Walking Experience #2 in this event, we were told to prepare ourselves. We would meet three people in the spirit house. We were to name each of them as we walked through the door. The names we were to give them were shadow parts of ourselves that we needed to confront. We had to conquer our inner demons in order to earn our way out of the room. Each of the organizers took on the name of one of my issues and each engaged me in that energy, allowing me to interact with that issue and to work my way through the problems associated with it. When I gave one of them an issue that wasn’t the core issue, they dug deeper and probed for what the core was. When I named it, they stepped in. The process of working my way from one door to the other was intimidating, and challenging, but I came out the other side with a plan to deal with each of the issues.


Experiential Review

This was my experience of the last LumensGate event. Each person’s experience is different. Yours will be too. We get out of the events what we bring to them. What experience will you create for yourself?


Really Want To Attend An Event Like The One I Described?

Kathy and I are running events regularly that are similar in nature although not in content – that would ruin the surprise – to the one I described above.  We’d love to have you join us.  Find out which event we’re running now.