Month: June 2015

  • Shedding The Past to Make Way For The Future

    Shedding The Past to Make Way For The Future

    Changes This week a housemate I have lived with for 6 years moved out.  When he moved in, we were dating. We broke up about half-way through our time together and have lived with each other, sometimes easily, sometimes not, for the remainder of the time.  It was time for us to part ways.  I’m…

  • Why People Don’t Change And How They Can

    Why People Don’t Change And How They Can

    Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes! I spend a lot of time with people trying to make change in their lives.  They each have their own purpose for the change and each change is specific to the person, but I’m there to help facilitate the process and get them unstuck when they bog down. Why People Don’t Change In my…