Month: September 2012

  • Fear


    A woman who could not get past her fears, prayed to the spirits to help her.  “Oh spirits, why am I stuck, unable to move, despite my wishes to make great leaps forward?”  In answer, the spirits passed their hands across the fabric of her vision.  And where their hands passed, threads appeared – more…

  • Sinking Into Observer Mode

    Today I want to talk to you about “Observer Mode.”  It’s about being able to stand both in the role of the person having the experience and in the position of watching yourself have the experience at the same time.  This allows you to really see what’s going on inside your own head. Asking my…

  • 4 Reasons Why You’re Stuck

    4 Reasons Why You’re Stuck

    Why Am I Stuck?!!?!? Have you spent a ton of time working on yourself and things still just aren’t falling into place?  Do you find that there are still one or two niggling issues that seem to be keeping you stuck – holding back the floodtide of juicy goodness into your life? What I’ve Seen…

  • Evolution Manifesto

    Evolution Manifesto It’s 4:30am and I cannot sleep.  I have this energy running through my body that has driven me out of bed with this need to write.  I need to tell you something.  “Good enough” isn’t.  Ever.  You’re better than that.  And you know it.  You know that merely going through the motions of…

  • Focusing on others is a way to avoid focusing on yourself.  Bring your attention inwards.  It is …

    Focusing on others is a way to avoid focusing on yourself.  Bring your attention inwards.  It is not your job to save anyone other than yourself. This was posted on Google+…